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CC BY 4.0 details

The proceedings will be licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license (cf. the 2019 proceedings here).
For more information, please visit the link above.

Short summary of the license

CC BY 4.0, or the Attribution 4.0 International license, is a type of Creative Commons license that allows others to freely share, use, and build upon a copyrighted work, even for commercial purposes, as long as they give appropriate credit to the original author [2]. This license is part of the Creative Commons version 4.0 license suite, which was introduced to be more user-friendly and internationally robust than previous versions. It includes several improvements that were made after a multi-year development process [3],[5].

To apply a CC BY 4.0 license to your work, you simply need to choose the license that meets your requirements and clearly communicate this choice to others, usually by including a link to the license [6].



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